Whether it’s a gift for a writerly friend, or a way to give back to the community, the Pay It Forward program is here to deliver.

Pay It Forward... to a Friend.

Pay It Forward... to a Friend.

A top down view of a pair of friends sitting against large rocks

When I say ‘dedicated writer who wants to make a change through their art’, who comes to mind?

Our inspirational and devoted friends deserve quality editing and beta reading to take their manuscript to the next level - whether that’s querying, publishing or for personal fulfilment - though sometimes financial barriers exist.

This is where paying it forward comes in.

You can purchase my editorial services on behalf of your friend and I’ll deliver the message right to their inbox for a fun surprise! Great for birthdays, writer-versaries, when your friend has self-edited their first draft, or anytime of the year!

Pay It Forward... to the Community.

Pay It Forward... to the Community.

Three writers with laptops having a good laugh

We’re never alone in the writing community. With supportive groups, always something to learn, and a place to seek advice and share snippets, it could be time to give back to the community.

Receiving quality paid beta reading and editorial services can make a difference to a member of the writing community and change their experience forever.

This is where paying it forward comes in.

You can purchase my services as a means to sponsor a giveaway and we can work together to bring writers together and gift a lucky writer their next (or first) editorial experience.